This has been my busiest week since I arrived in San Francisco. I definitely overbooked myself - 5 weekend shoots, plus 3 weekday shoots. It would've been handle-able, except I had to take on the Insect class teaching duties of a sick teacher. As a result, I am constantly on the go. In some ways I thrive on being busy and productive - in others, I long to sleep in.

A 7 month old, chubby cheeked boy who smiled at the sight and sound of squeeky toys. Another flying baby yes... it seems that babies enjoy the weightless sensation. Held against a late afternoon clear sky, it's almost as if we had a white backdrop, but the subtle vignetting gives the background depth. I unintentionally cut most of the face off of the dad, but I rather like the result - one can imagine the rest of the facial expression, and plus this way, the focus is entirely on the baby.